微酸电解水消毒液,是一种无色、略带氯味的消毒液,使用于空间环境抗菌上,对环境无公害的杀菌液,主成份为次氯酸,是一种高效、快速、广谱的消毒液。经中国检验检疫科学研究院权威检测合格,有效氯含量约 110ppm,pH 值约 5.68,呈微酸性,无毒理性,安全性高,除菌率大于 99.99%,对人体皮肤、粘膜组织无刺激,更加适用于空气消毒、皮肤消毒的使用环境。可应用于日常生活、食品工业、农牧业、医疗等领域杀菌、消毒、保鲜、除臭等。
Micro-acid electrolytic water disinfectant is a kind of colorless, slightly chlorine flavored disinfectant. It is used in space environment for anti-bacterial and pollution-free. Its main component is hypochlorite. It is a kind of highly efficient, rapid and broad-spectrum disinfectant. It is qualified by the authoritative test of Academy of China inspection and Quarantine. The effective chlorine content is about 110ppm, pH value is about 5.68, slightly acidic, non-toxic, rational, safe, and the sterilization rate is more than 99.99%. It has no irritation to human skin and mucous membrane tissue, and is more suitable for air disinfection and skin disinfection. It can be used in daily life, food industry, agriculture and animal husbandry, medical and other fields of sterilization, disinfection, preservation, deodorization, etc.
