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有兴趣请联系:0951-5672766/0951-5672788 邮箱:zaqncyygwh@126.com
序号 The serial number |
名称 name |
简介 Introduction |
规格 specifications |
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1 |
加碘精制盐 Iodized refined salt |
系经水溶开采地下岩盐、净化后的卤水再经真空蒸发精制而成的无碘精制盐为载体,按标准要求添加适量的碘酸钾并经混合均匀而制成。产品质量符合GB/T5461《食用盐》中精制盐一级品要求,适用于需补碘人群。 It is made of iodine-free refined salt refined by extraction of underground rock salt by water solution, purified brine refined by vacuum evaporation, adding proper amount of potassium iodate and mixing evenly according to the standard requirements. The quality of the product meets the requirements of refined salt level I in GB/T5461 "Edible Salt". It is suitable for people who need iodine supplement. | 25KG 50KG 1000KG |
2 | 未加碘食用盐 Uniodized table salt | 系经水溶开采地下岩盐、净化后的卤水再经真空蒸发精制而成,按标准要求添加适量的碘酸钾并经混合均匀而制成。产品质量符合GB/T5461《食用盐》中精制盐一级品要求,适用于不宜食用加碘盐的特殊人群。 It is made by extracting underground rock salt by water solution, purifying brine by vacuum evaporation, adding proper amount of potassium iodate and mixing evenly according to the standard requirements. The quality of the product meets the requirements of refined salt level I in GB/T5461 "Edible Salt", and it is suitable for special people who are not suitable for eating iodized salt. | 25KG 50KG 1000KG |
3 | 微晶盐、超细晶盐 Microcrystalline salt, ultrafine crystalline salt |
微晶盐::系以加碘精制盐为原料,根据客户对粒度要求,经研磨粉碎而成的颗粒达140目的超细晶体或粉末食盐,产品质量符合Q/ZYDX000000004S要求。 Microcrystalline salt: : is made of iodized refined salt as raw material, according to customer's requirements for particle size, the grain size is up to 140 mesh super fine crystal or powder salt, product quality meets Q/ZYDX000000004S requirements. 超细晶盐:系以无碘精制盐为原料,根据客户对粒度要求,经研磨粉碎而成的颗粒达140目的超细晶体或粉末食盐,产品质量符合Q/ZYDX0003S要求。Superfine crystal salt: it is made of iodine-free refined salt. According to the granularity requirements of customers, the particles of superfine crystal or powder salt can reach 140 mesh. The product quality meets the requirements of Q/ZYDX0003S. |
25KG 50KG 1000KG |
4 |
肠衣盐 Casing salt |
系经水溶开采地下岩盐、净化后的卤水再经真空蒸发精制而成。产品质量符合QB/T2606《肠衣盐》优级品要求。 It is refined by water solution mining underground rock salt, purified brine and vacuum evaporation. The quality of the product meets the requirements of QB/T2606 "Casing salt". | 25KG 50KG 1000KG |
5 | 精制工业盐 Refined industrial salt | 系开采距地表5000米以下,形成于6000万年前定远盐矿天然岩盐,经水溶开采、净化后的卤水再经真空蒸发精制而成。产品质量符合GB/T5462《工业盐》中精制盐一级品要求。 It is mined 5,000 meters below the surface and formed from the natural rock salt of Dingyuan salt mine 60 million years ago. It is refined by vacuum evaporation after water solution mining and purification of brine. The quality of the product meets the requirements of the first grade refined salt in GB/T5462 industrial Salt. | 25KG 50KG 1000KG |
6 | 工业无水硫酸钠Anhydrous sodium sulfate for industrial use | 系开采距地表5000米以下,形成于6000万年前定远盐矿天然岩盐,经水溶开采、净化后的卤水再经盐硝联产工艺加工而成。产品质量符合GB/T6009《工业无水硫酸钠》II类一级品要求。 It is mined 5,000 meters below the surface and formed from the natural rock salt of Dingyuan salt mine 60 million years ago. The brine after water solution mining and purification is processed by the combined production of salt and nitrate. The quality of the product meets the requirements of GB/T6009 "Industrial Anhydrous sodium sulfate" Class II grade A product. | 25KG 50KG 1000KG |
7 |
饲料添加剂硫酸钠 Feed additive sodium sulfate |
是以天然地下岩盐经水溶开采、净化后的卤水为原料再经盐硝联产工艺精制加工而成。 It is made of natural underground rock salt which is extracted by water solution and purified brine as raw material and refined by salt-nitrate co-production technology. | 25KG 50KG 1000KG |
8 | 饲料添加剂氯化钠Feed additive sodium chloride | 是以天然地下岩盐经水溶开采、净化后的卤水为原料再经真空制盐并添加适量抗结剂加工而成。 It is made of brine after natural underground rock salt is extracted and purified by water solution, and then processed by vacuum salt making and adding proper amount of anti-caking agent. | 25KG 50KG 1000KG |
9 |
离子交换再生树脂(软水盐) Ion exchange regeneration resin (soft water salt) |
系采用高纯精制盐加工而成,产品具有不搭桥、不成坨、纯度高、溶解速度均匀等特点,主要用于各种高、中、低档家庭软水机。本品能有限置换出饱和树脂中的钙镁离子,回复树脂交换功能,延长树脂使用寿命。 It is made of high purity refined salt, the product has the characteristics of no bypass, no lump, high purity, uniform dissolution speed, etc. It is mainly used for all kinds of high, middle and low grade family water softener. This product can replace calcium and magnesium ions in saturated resin, restore resin exchange function, prolong resin service life. | 25KG 50KG 1000KG |
10 |
沐浴盐 Bath salts |
沐浴盐可轻松享受浪漫的牛奶浴,丰富的牛奶滋润精华,可深层字样活化肌肤,改善肌肤暗沉,提亮肤色,促进肌肤清盈润白的质感,浓郁的奶香味,让您放松思绪的同时,平方焕发透白无瑕的光彩。 Bath salt can easily enjoy romantic milk bath, rich milk moisturizing essence, can deeply activate the skin, improve the dull skin, brighten the skin tone, promote the skin clear and moist white texture, rich milk fragrance, let you relax your mind, at the same time, the perfect white radiance. |
25KG 50KG 1000KG |
11 |
足浴盐 Foot bath salt |
足浴盐系以地下五百米矿盐精华为载体,添加中草药成分精心配制而成,具有消炎止痒和预防脚气的作用,可深层清洁足部肌肤,改善血液循环状况,增强人体新陈代谢,使足部肌肤清爽舒适,富有活力。经常使用本品泡脚,可舒缓疲劳,改善睡眠。 It is made with 500 meters underground mineral salt essence as carrier and Chinese herbal medicine ingredients. It can relieve inflammation, relieve itching and prevent beriberi. It can deeply clean foot skin, improve blood circulation, enhance human metabolism, and make foot skin fresh, comfortable and energetic. Frequent use of foot soak can relieve fatigue and improve sleep. | 25KG 50KG 1000KG |
12 |
果蔬盐 Fruit and vegetable salt |
果蔬盐含有天然盐精华,添加去污成份科学配方精制而成。专门针对果蔬清洗研制的产品。可保持水果蔬菜的营养,保护全家的食用健康。 Fruit and vegetable salt contains natural salt essence, adding decontamination ingredients scientific formula refined. It is specially developed for washing fruits and vegetables. Can maintain the nutrition of fruits and vegetables, protect the edible health of the whole family. |
25KG 50KG 1000KG |